Tracking your contributions
After contributing, find the list of your participations on a dedicated page.
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After contributing, find the list of your participations on a dedicated page.
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Check the details of your achievements from your dashboard. You will find the list of your previous contributions.
You can also filter them by program.
Access a summary table of your contributions from the dedicated 'Contributions' page.
You can filter by period, program, or action.
You have the flexibility to sort by date, status, or type of contribution,
And you can export the data in .XLSX format.
Any action canceled by you (manually or automatically) will be considered canceled in the list of achievements.
An action rejected by the program owner will also be reflected as such in your tracking table.
Actions that are pending are not considered in the leaderboard nor in the rewarding
Accepted contributions will be considered for the rewarding period during it has been accepted