Setting up Notifications

As an administrator, you can authorize the use of notifications as well as the available channels

Specify the sender of notifications

  • From the administration site, go to the notification configuration

  • Then, modify the sender's identity for notifications

  • You can change both the name and the address

⚠️ Ensure to keep the same domain name in the email address suffix

Allow notification channels

You can allow or disallow the use of notifications for each channel.

  • Email notification

  • On-site notification

  • Notification for unread activity

πŸ’‘ For example, if you allow the use of email notifications, the user can choose to disable it if necessary.

Identify notifications by type, accessible to users

  • From the notification configuration

  • Specify for each notification type whether the user can activate or deactivate a particular notification channel

  • If you do not want to allow notifications at all for a type, you can disable the available channels. Then, this notification will not be offered to users.

πŸ’‘ Just like notification channels, each user can then disable notifications at their convenience or specify the channel to use.

Last updated