Managing a Public Site

To help you communicate to the outside world, you can enable a public website.

Publishing Your Public Site:

  • Publishing your public site allows you to provide a personalized page to any non-connected visitor

  • Showcasing your community

  • And listing your contribution programs.

Customizing Your Public Site:

  • Illustrative banner

  • Simple text

  • Useful Links

  • A 'public' program is one with an open audience

  • Either no identified space

  • Or a visible and open space

  • Use the preview option to see how your site will look to visitors.

  • Incomplete content will not be displayed to visitors.

  • Click on the eye icon to preview your site.

  • Click on the lock icon; it will change to a globe, indicating that your site is now public and visible to everyone.

Practical Informations

  • By identifying a user in the 'Web-contributors' group and assigning them the 'Publisher' role.

  • They can access and modify site content but cannot make the site public.

  • Any connected person can visit your public site, with a dedicated access to open the Hub.

Last updated