Create and Manage Users

Create, invite users

Create Individual Users

👉 Add a user

  • Go to the user management section from the administration site.

  • Access the user creation form by clicking on 'Add User.'

  • The form opens, prompting you to add information. All fields are mandatory.


Username: Use the format [first name].[last name] without accents or special characters

Name, first name: Provide information (minimum 3 characters), no numbers allowed

Email: Enter the email used for invitations, notifications, and authentication

Password: Pre-enter a temporary password the user can change during the invitation process

👉 Choose to invite the user to join the platform

  • Once created, find the user in the list of active users

  • Optionally, invite the user by clicking on the envelope icon in the interface

  • An email will be sent to the user to join the platform

  • The email includes a link to customize their password, valid for 24 hours.

💡 Note

  • If necessary, resend the email by clicking on the envelope again.

  • Once the user has joined the platform, it's not possible to resend this email.

⚠️ To create an external user, invite them from a designated space. They will be automatically considered external.

Create Users in Bulk

👉 Create a .csv file with user details

  • Import users in bulk by uploading the .csv file

  • If users already exist, their information will be updated. Consistency checks are done on the username and email

💡 Additional information such as function, organization, location, etc., can be included by contacting the Meeds representative.

Find below attached a template file to prepare your .csv file:

👉 Import Users

  • Use the 'Import by CSV file' option in the user management section

  • Select the prepared file,

  • And launch the import

💡 If errors occur during import, a report helps you understand and modify the information.

👉 Mass Actions on User Data

Select users and choose an action:

  • Invite en masse: Users who haven't connected will receive an email.

  • Disable en masse: Selected users will be deactivated, preventing platform access.

  • Enable en masse: Activates selected users (if disabled), restoring their previous rights.

Search for users

Search for users from the user management section:

  • Use the text field to filter by user name or first name.

  • Use advanced filters to filter by status: Connected, Never connected, Enrolled, Never enrolled, No enrollment possible, Internal, External.

View User Informations

For each user, you can:

  • View information: ID, first name, last name, email.

  • Track their status: last connection, enrollment, activated/deactivated, user data source, internal/external.

  • Access user roles: Clicking on them provides a summary of these rights.

  • Modify the record: Change name, first name, email, and password if needed.

Last updated