Edit Page Layout

Thanks to its Page Builder, Meeds provides administrators an easy way to customize their pages

👥 Who can edit the layout of a page?

  • Administrators can edit any page

  • Space Administrators can edit pages of their space

🛠️ How to edit the layout of a page?

  • Access the site navigation

  • From there, for a page, access to its options

  • Choose to Edit Page Layout

  • The Page Builder will be opened in a new tab

What are the options?

Once the Page Builder is opened, you will be able to:

Create the Layout Skeleton

  1. Add sections among two types:

    1. A grid layout where each block is displayed in a designated page area

    2. A Dynamic Sections where blocks expand vertically based on the content to display

  2. Organize the section layout by choosing numbers of rows/columns

  3. Depending on the section, apply options:

    1. Both Section: Margins, Background

    2. Dynamic Only: Mobile View & Behaviour when scrolling down

Add Application

  1. Dynamic Section Behaviour:

    1. Add app one by one

    2. Move it afterwards

    3. Set a fixed height to the app

  2. Fixed Section Behaviour:

    1. Select a zone where to add your application

    2. Extend, move the application

Customize Applications Display

You can personalize the display of each application, one by one, for a customized experience

  • Margins: Update default margins applied

  • Border: Add a border and a shadow

  • Radius: Update default radius applied

  • Background: apply a specific background (image or color)

  • Text: Update default text styles applied

💡 In case you want to apply a generic style to every application listed in the page, edit the page design directly.

Preview Page Display

You have different options to preview the Page before publishing it

  • Mobile view

  • Preview in another tab

Publish Page

  • Once you're glad with the layout you have created and the apps display, then publish your page.

  • You will be invited to view it another page

  • The editor remains open so you can keep adjusting the page layout if needed

Last updated