Create Page Templates

In case you need to create multiple sites with same pages, take it easy! Meeds provides a useful option to create and manage Page Templates

👥 Who can add Page Templates?

  • Only Administrators can create a template

🛠️ How to edit templates?

  • Access the Platform Settings

  • Go to Development Entry from the Administration Menu

  • Access to Templates > Pages

  • Choose whether you want to create or edit a template

What are the options?

When creating / editing a template, you will be able to:

  1. Create the Page Skeleton

  2. Update the Page Design

  3. Add applications

  4. Customize their styling & preferences

  5. Preview the display for Mobile View

In addition, we let you update properties of the template:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Preview

💡 The Preview is automatically generated once you save your template

Creating a template from the Page Builder

You can also create a template from the Page Builder while adding a page.

This one will be listed in the Page Template Management.

FYI, preferences applied to applications won't be saved here as it can be related to a dedicated context.

Last updated