
List the initialized wallets and adjust if necessary

Top Up Your Administrator Wallet

  • From the administration site, access wallet management

  • Request funds: you will be redirected to our dApp to purchase Meeds

  • Find the current balance of the administrator wallet (Meeds/Gas)

  • Click on 'Wallet Address' then copy the displayed address

  • Send Meeds and Gas (Matic) to this address on the Polygon network

  • Once the funds are transferred, the balance will be updated

List Activated Wallets

  • From wallet management, find the list of initialized wallets.

  • Activated wallets are listed alphabetically.

  • Information includes:

    • User's name

    • Wallet status based on the current balance (Meeds and/or Matic)

  • Access transaction details on the platform by clicking on the wallet avatar.

Manually Send Funds

  • From wallet management, find the list of initialized wallets.

  • For each wallet, access additional options to:

  • Click on 'Wallet Address' then copy the displayed address

  • Send Meeds and Gas (Matic) to this address on the Polygon network

  • Once the funds are transferred, the balance will be updated

Deactivate a Wallet

  • From wallet management, find the list of initialized wallets.

  • For each wallet, access additional options to deactivate a wallet.

  • By default, if a user is deactivated, their wallet is also deactivated.

Last updated