
Understand how to configure reward payments and transmit them

Configure Reward Payments

  • From the administration site, go to reward management.

  • Three tabs are available: Rewards / Pools / Configuration.

👉 Configure Reward Calculation Rules:

  • Identify the reward sending frequency.

  • Specify your time zone for accurate calculation based on contributors' time zones.

  • Detail payment modalities:

Set a minimum points acquisition threshold for eligibility.

Specify the use of pools if needed.

Define the amount or calculation method at your discretion.

Cf. Here for computing explainations

💡 Parameters for kudos are not necessary and will be removed soon.

👉 Configure Contributor Pools:

  • Useful for complexifying reward calculations based on user activity.

Identify pool members.

Define a fixed budget

Or allocate a budget per member.

💡 Contact your Meeds representative for more information.

Calculate Rewards:

  • In reward management, go to the 'Rewards' tab.

  • By default, the current period will be displayed with the following information:

Eligible users

Calculated total budget

Fund reserve (your balance)

Gamification points recorded.

  • List the period to access previous periods and observe the calculation.

  • List reward details per user.

  • Sort as needed by name, pool, transaction, status, number of Meeds.

  • Access detailed gamification points per user.

Send Rewards

  • In reward management, go to the 'Rewards' tab.

  • Choose the period you want to calculate.

💡 Verify contributors' contributions before payment

👉 Indeed, you can reject certain contributions, and the calculation will be redone.

  • Send the rewards.

⚠️ Once a period is paid, no additional payment is possible.

Track Payments

  • In reward management, go to the 'Rewards' tab.

  • Choose the period you want to check.

  • Sort by status to observe payment status.

Last updated