Managing Space Templates
Create your templates to ease the process of creating a space. Decide for each what is mandatory, which app, who can create, edit or delete related spaces.
Last updated
Create your templates to ease the process of creating a space. Decide for each what is mandatory, which app, who can create, edit or delete related spaces.
Last updated
Only Administrators can create a template
Access the Platform Settings
Go to Development Entry from the Administration Menu
Access to Templates > Spaces
Choose whether you want to create or edit a template
When creating / editing a template, you will be able to:
Give a name, describe and add an icon for it
Decide which steps are mandatory at the creation of space
Provide the default configuration (banner, access control, editorial space)
Identify who can create, who can edit navigation, who can delete spaces
In case you like a template without overwriting it, you can duplicate it to create another one
Once you have created your template, you can update the default navigation and layout:
You can organize the navigation at your convenience
You can edit each page layout for customized experience
Data and preferences of apps (links, newslist, block of content will be saved so space creators can automatically get the space up and running)