
How to configure the GitHub connector for Meeds as an administrator

If your organization uses GitHub to manage code or documentation and wants to foster open contributions and collaboration, the GitHub connector for Meeds is for you!

You can activate it to allow contributors to earn points by interacting with your repositories.

Events that the GitHub connector can capture include:

  • Issues

  • Pull Requests

  • Code

To start configuring the GitHub connector for Meeds go to Administration > Recognition > Connectors > GitHub

Next, Click Configure

👉 Allow users to connect their GitHub account

Click on Allow connection and follow the instructions in the form:

Step 1: Go to your Developer Settings in your GitHub account

Click on OAuthApps > Register new application

Fill in the Application name and description,

Now head back to Meeds to retrieve the URLs

Step 2: Click Next and copy the Homepage URL and Authorization callback URL from Meeds

Now paste the URLs into the oAuth application form on GitHub and create the app.

Click on Generate a new client secret and authenticate

Head back to Meeds

Step 2: Click Next and copy-paste the Client ID and Client secret from GitHub to Meeds

Click Save

At this stage, your users can connect their GitHub profile.

👉 Add a GitHub organization to watch

Now, you must add one or more organizations that Meeds will watch to track events your contributors perform.

Click on Add Organization

On GitHub, head back to your Developer Settings > Personal access tokens (classic)

Click Generate new token > Personal access token (classic)

Fill out the form by selecting scopes :

  • repo

  • admin:org_hook

Then click the Generate token button

Copy the token and head back to Meeds to paste it, then click the ✅ checkmark to validate.

Click Next and enter your GitHub organization name.

Click Save, and the organization should be listed:

You may add ➕ more organizations to watch, ✏️ Edit, or 🗑️ Delete to start over

Click on the organization's name

In the Events tab, you may restrict what events to watch for that particular organization.

Click on Repositories

From there, you can restrict which repositories to watch on that particular organization.

🎉 Congratulations! Your Meeds Hub is now ready to incentivize contributions on GitHub! Your program owner can now start designing incentives to Foster open collaboration on GitHub.

Last updated