Add a page

Add an item and create your first page

👥 Who can add pages?

  • Administrators can add pages to any platform's site

  • Space Administrators can add pages to their space

🛠️ How to add a page?

  • Access the site navigation

  • From there, decide to add an item

  • Choose to add a new page or choose from an existing page

  • You also can add a group of pages, or a link

What are the options?

From there, you will be able to:

  1. Set the item name

  2. Customize the URL (only at the creation, no editable afterwards)

  3. Select the item's type between a new page, an existing one, a link or a group of pages

  4. Choose the visibility of that page

  5. When creating a new page, select a template from the list

  6. Confirm: Your page is created. You can then edit its layout

Last updated